Purpose of experiment The negative reactivity induced by control rod insertion is a parameter of key importance for safe reactor operation. The relation between the control rod position and reactivity is non-linear, therefore the control rod worth calibration curves are
Exercise No. 3: Fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity
Purpose of experiment A negative fuel temperature reactivity feedback effect is of key importance in inherently safe reactor design. The purpose of the experiment is to measure the fuel temperature reactivity coefficient of the TRIGA reactor, i.e. the reactivity change
Exercise No. 2: Reactor response to step reactivity changes
Purpose of experiment The purpose of the experiment is to demonstrate the principles of reactor kinetics at low power levels and in the operating power level range by inducing step reactivity changes. The reactor power response to reactivity changes is
Exercise No. 1: Critical experiment
Purpose of experiment The critical experiment is one of the fundamental experiments in Reactor Physics. Its main purpose is to determine the critical number of fuel elements and / or control rod positions in a critical assembly. The experiment is