Članki o reaktorju TRIGA Mark II Ljubljana
year | author | title | e-link |
1966 | Gabrovsek,Bernot,Klopcic | Measurements during operation of the TRIGA reactor | link |
1966 | Zerdin,Gabrovsek,Klinc,Solinc | Measurements of thermal and fast neutron fluxes at the TRIGA reactor | link |
1970 | Dimic,Najzer | Report on research programmes at the TRIGA Mark II Ljubljana | link |
1970 | Gabrovsek,Dimic,Najzer | Operation, maintenance and utilization of 250kW TRIGA Mark II reactor at the IJS | link |
1970 | Gabrovsek,Najzer,Solinc | Reconstruction of the TRIGA bulk-shielding experimental tank at the JSI | link |
1971 | Dimic,Petkovsek | Construction and performance of liquid methane cold source | link |
1971 | Najzer,Rant,Solinc | Fission-spectrum-averaged neutron cross-sections for some threshold detectors | |
1972 | Byrne | Neutron activation analysis using TRIGA | link |
1972 | Dimic,Gabrovsek | Operation maintenance and utilization of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
1972 | Dimic,Kristof,Rant | Current researchwork carried out at the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
1972 | Divjak,Krajnik,Tasic | Computer aided control of the nuclear reactor TRIGA Mark II | link |
1972 | Rant,Copic,Dimic,Ilic,Sirca | Neutronography and microneutronography and their applications | link |
1974 | Copic,Dimic,Ilic,Lipic,Rant | Experience with TRIGA aluminum-clad fuel elements | link |
1974 | Dimic,Mavko | Operation and maintenance of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II reactor at JSI | link |
1974 | Najzer,Byrne,Dimic,Mavko,Pregl,Rant | Recent research programs at the TRIGA Mark II reactor in Ljubljana | link |
1976 | Dimic | Operation and maintenance of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II reactor at the Ljubljana | link |
1976 | Illic,Najzer,Rant | Determination of microdistribution of boron in metals | link |
1976 | Najzer | Current research work carried out at the TRIGA Mark II reactor in Ljubljana | link |
1976 | Pregl,Najzer | Training courses for the staff of the nuclear power station | link |
1978 | Acquah | Measurement of np-in integral cross section ratio in uranium fission spectrum | link |
1978 | Byrne,Dermelj,Kosta,Ravkin,Stegnar | Research work with TRIGA Mark II at the nuclear chemistry section of the JSI | link |
1978 | Copic,Valantic | Digital reactivity meter | link |
1978 | Dimic,Mrcun | Operation and maintenance of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II reactor at the JSI | link |
1978 | Ilic,Najzer,Podgornik | Estimation of the smallest detail discernible in track-etch auto-radiograph | link |
1978 | Kristan,Udovc,Kobal,Jerancic,Zavrtanik | Radiation protection measurments around the TRIGA reactor of the JSI | link |
1978 | Mavok | Power spectra of stochastic signals in reactor TRIGA | link |
1978 | Najzer,Dimic | Current research work at the TRIGA reactor in Ljubljana | link |
1978 | Tomsic,Taves,Mrcun,Kavsek,Znidaric | Improvements to the TRIGA Mark II instrumentation and the direct digital control by microprocessors | link |
1980 | Dahlborg,Dimic,Rupprecht | Study on the Hydration of oriented DNA by the neutron scattering technique | link |
1980 | Dimic | Operation and maintenance of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II reactor at the JSI | link |
1982 | Dimic | Operation and maintenance of the 250kW TRIGA Mark II reactor at the JSI | link |
1984 | Dimic,Grgic | Operation and Maintenance of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II Reactor at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana | link |
1984 | Mele,Ravnik,Trkov,Dimic | Reactor calculations of multi-core TRIGA reactor core | link |
1986 | Dimic | Twenty years of operation of Ljubljana’s TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
1988 | Dimic,Dusic,Kozuh,Vojnovic | Probabilistic safety assessment of the research reactor-TRIGA Mark II | link |
1988 | Dimic,Pregl,Pucelj | Maintenance of the TRIGA Mark II reactor in Ljubljana and disposal of radioactive waste | link |
1988 | Glumac | Use of a digital reactivity meter on TRIGA reactor for instrumentation and training purposes | link |
1988 | Jovanovic,Smodis,Jacimovic,Vukotic,Stegnar | Neutron flux characteristion of the TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
1988 | Mele,Ravnik | Analysis of TRIGA application for irradiation of power reactor pressure vessel specimens | link |
1988 | Smodis,Jovanovic,Vukotic,Jacimovic,Stegnar | The use of TRIGA reactor in the k0 method of neutron activation analysis | link |
1988 | Vojnovic,Dusic | Verjetnostna varnostna analiza raziskovalnega reaktorja | link |
1990 | Mavko,Kozuh,Vojnovic | Operation experience database of TRIGA Mark II reactor for PSA use | |
1991 | Fajgelj,Lakoski,Horvat,et al. | Chromosome aberrations induced in human lymphocytes | link |
1992 | Jordan,Mavko,Kozuh | Data base formation for important components of reactor TRIGA Mark II | link |
1992 | Rant,Ravnik,Mele,Dimic | Measurements of neutron flux distributions in the core of the Ljubljana TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
1993 | Mele,Ravnik,Trkov | TRIGA Mark II benchmark experiment part I-steady state operation | link |
1993 | Mele,Ravnik,Trkov | TRIGA Mark II benchmark experiment part II-pulse operation | link |
1993 | Mele | A computer program for calculating natural convection flow parameters in TRIGA core | link |
1993 | Ravnik,Wimmer,Trkov,Bock,Mele | Burn-up measurements at TRIGA fuel elements containing strong burnable poison | link |
1994 | Dimic,Glumac,Kavsek,et al. | Renewal and Upgrading of the TRIGA Mark II | link |
1994 | Jordan,Kozuh,Mavko | The evaluation of research reactor TRIGA Mark II safety | link |
1994 | Kristof,Ilic,Skvarc,Dijanosic | Calibration of Thermal Neutron Detection Compound BN-1 & CR-39 in the Exposure Room | link |
1994 | Smodis,Benedik,et al. | Status of NAA in Siovenia-Achivements and applications | link |
1994 | Smodis,Jacimovic | Estimating errors in the experimental determination of neutron fluence spectra | link |
1995 | Ilic,Kristof,Dijanosic,Skvarc,Dobnikar | Thermal neutron dosimetry using electrochemically etched CR39 detector | link |
1995 | Korun,Martincic | Activity calculation for voluminous samples in the presence of coincidence summing effects | link |
1995 | Miljanic,Miljanic,Kristof,Ilic | Towards a chemical dosimetry system for boron neutron capture therapy | link |
1995 | Ravnik,Glumac | Triga spent fuel storage criticality analysis | link |
1995 | Smodis,Jacimovic,Stropnik,Gros | Trace element air pollution monitoring studies in Si using nuclear analytical techniques | link |
1995 | Trkov,Ravnik,Wimmer,Glumac,Bock | Application of the rod-insertion method for control rod worth measurements | link |
1995 | Trkov,Ravnik | The neutron flux redistribution effects on the power level reading from the nuclear detectors | link |
1995 | Zefran,Kavsek,Ravnik | Pulse Parameters measurements at TRIGA reactor in Ljubljana | link |
1996 | Dimic | Utilization of the 250 kW TRIGA Mark II reactor in Ljubljana-thirty years of experiences | link |
1996 | Glumac,Ravnik,Logar | Criticality safety assessment of a TRIGA reactor spent fuel pool under accident conditions | link |
1996 | Guevara,Horvat | Stability and behaviour of low level spiked inorganic mercury in natural water samples | link |
1996 | Logar,Glumac | Some aspects of criticality safety of TRIGA reactor spent fuel pool | link |
1996 | Maucec,Glumac,Jeraj | Development of irradiation facility for BNCT treatment of tumors at the IJS | link |
1997 | Byrne,Dermelj | An endogenous standard, radioisotopic ratio method in NAA | link |
1997 | Dermelj,Byrne | Simultaneous analysis of iodine, uranium and mercury in biological and environmental samples | link |
1997 | Fajgelj,Horvat,Skrk | Chromosome aberrations induced in human lymphocytes by fission neutrons | link |
1997 | Kristof,Ilic,Humar,Skvarc | Determination of fast neutron doses for calibration purposes of TRIGA Ljubljana | link |
1997 | Ravnik | Experimental verification of adiabatic Fuchs-Hansen pulse model | link |
1997 | Vertacnik,Barisic,Musani,Prohic,Juracic | Exchangeable fraction of elements in alluvial sediments under waste disposal site | link |
1998 | Cindro,Kramberger,Mikuz,Zontar | Bias-dependent annealing of radiation damage in neutron-irradiated silicon diodes | link |
1998 | Dermelj | Multielemental analysis of reference material by NAA | |
1998 | Kristof | Characterization of neutron flux in the exposure channel F19 of the TRIGA Lj | link |
1998 | Logar,Glumac,Maucec | TRIGA reactor spent fuel pool under severe earthquake conditions | link |
1998 | Maucec | Conceptual design of epithermal neutron beam for BNCT | link |
1998 | Palmieri,Borer,Janos,Via,Casagrande | Evidence for charge collection recovery in heavily irradiated silicon detectors | link |
1998 | Persic,Ravnik,Zagar | Burn-up TRIGA Mark II benchmark experiment | link |
1999 | Benedik,Pintar,Byrne | The leachability of some natural and man-made radionuclides on acid attack | link |
1999 | Byrne,Benedik | Applications of neutron activation analysis in determination of natural and man-made radionuclides | link |
1999 | Dezillie,Eremin,Li | Defect analysis of silicon detectors made of different materials for radiation hardness | link |
1999 | Dimic | Utilization and operating experience of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor in Ljubljana | link |
1999 | Filges,Ellinger,Knorr,et al. | Neutron measurements at TRIGA reactor for core inventory verification | link |
1999 | Izerrouken,Skvarc,Ilic | Low energy alpha particle spectroscopy using CR-39 detector | link |
1999 | Jeraj,Persic,Zagar,Ravnik | Sensitivity studies of the TRIGA benchmark critical experiment | link |
1999 | Kristof | Fast neutron fluence monitoring in the exposure channel F19 of TRIGA reactor in Ljubljana | link |
1999 | Lazaru,Ilic,Skvarc,Kristof,Stafilov | Neutron induced autoradiography of some minerals from the Allchar mine | link |
1999 | Maucec | Design of epithermal neutron beam for clinical BNCT treatment at TRIGA reactor | link |
1999 | Mikuz,Cindro,Kramberger,Zontar | Early stage of reverse annealing and projections for LHC experiments | link |
1999 | Moll,Fretwurst,Lindstrom | Leakage current of hadron irradiated silicon detectors-material dependence | link |
1999 | Nemec,Jeraj | Calibration of quantitative neutron radiography method for moisture measurement | link |
1999 | Nemec,Rant,Apih,Glumac | Study of building materials impregnation processes by quasi-ral-time neutron radiography | link |
1999 | Persic,Ravnik,Zagar | TRIGA criticality experiment for testing burn-up calculations | link |
1999 | Rant,Balasko,Kristof,Stade | TRIGA criticality experiment for testing burn-up calculations | link |
1999 | Ravnik,Zagar,Persic | Fuel element burnup determination in mixed TRIGA core using reactor calculations | link |
1999 | Ruzin,Casse,Glaser,Lemeilleur | Studies of radiation hardness of oxygen enriched silicon detectors | link |
1999 | Ruzin,Casse,Glaser,et al. | Radiation hardness of silicon detectors manufactured on epitaxial material | link |
1999 | Skvarc,Ilic,Yanagie,et al. | Selective radiography with etched track detectors | link |
1999 | Zagar,Persic,Jeraj,Ravnik | Simulation of the TRIGA Mark II benchmark experiment with burned fuel | link |
1999 | Zagar,Ravnik,Persic | Analysis of TRIGA reactor thermal power calibration method | link |
1999 | Zagar,Ravnik,Persic | Determination of the fuel element burn-up formixed TRIGA core by measurement and calculation | link |
1999 | Zontar,Cindro,Kramberger,Mikuz | Time developement and flux dependence of neutron-irradiation | link |
2000 | Borer,Janos,Palmieri,et al. | Charge collection efficiency of irradiated silicon detector | link |
2000 | Cindro,Kramberger,Mikuz,Tadel,Zontar | Bias-dependent radiation damage in high-resistivity silicon diodes irradiated | link |
2000 | Cindro,Kramberger,et al. | Readout of strip detectors with fast analogue electronics | link |
2000 | Cindro,Mikuz,Zavrtanik,et al. | Cryogenic operation of silicon detectors | link |
2000 | Cindro,Mikuz,Zavrtanik,et al. | Radiation hard position-sensitive cryogenic silicon detectors the Lazarus effect | link |
2000 | Drevet,Thi,Camel,Billia,Dupouy | Solidification of aluminium-lithium alloys near the cell transition | link |
2000 | Jeraj,Ravnik,Zagar,Persic,Dean | TRIGA Mark II reactor benchmark | link |
2000 | Kristof | Neutron flux in the exposure room of the TRIGA reactor in Ljubljana | link |
2000 | Logar,Jeraj,Glumac | The influence of pitch, burnup and absorber rods on the spent fuel pool criticality | link |
2000 | MacEvoy,Hall | Defect kinetics in novel detector materials | link |
2000 | Mahout,Charlton,et al. | Irradiation studies of multimode optical fibres for use in ATLAS | link |
2000 | Militaru,Borrello,Bozzi,et al. | Study of edge effects in the breakdown process of protons on n-bulk silicon diodes | link |
2000 | Persic,Ravnik,Zagar | TRIGA Mark II criticality benchmark experiment with burned fuel | link |
2000 | Ruzin,Casse,Glaser,et al. | Radiation effects in silicon detector | link |
2000 | Ruzin | Recent results from the RD-48 collaboration | link |
2000 | Zagar,Ravnik | Fuel element burnup determination in HEU-LEU mixed TRIGA research reactor core | link |
2001 | Borer,Janos,Li,et al. | Charge collection efficiency of an irradiated cryogenic double-p silicon detector | link |
2001 | Bozic,Zagar,Ravnik | Calculation of neutron fluxes in biological shield of the TRIGA reactor | link |
2001 | Bulog,Mihajl,Jeran,Toman | Trace element concentrations in the tissues of Proteus Anguinus | link |
2001 | Casagrande,Abreu,Bell,et al. | Review on the development of cryogenic silicon detectors | link |
2001 | Jeraj,Zagar,Ravnik,Glumac | Monte carlo characterization of irradiation facilities in the triga reactor core | link |
2001 | Jeraj,Zagar,Ravnik | Monte Carlo simulation of the TRIGA Mark II benchmark experiment with burned fuel | link |
2001 | Kristof | Setting of the apparatus for irradiationof samples with fast neutrons in the exposure room of TRIGA reactor | link |
2001 | Lengar,Skvarc,Ilic | Fast neutron detection with coincidence counting of recoil tracks in CR-39 | link |
2001 | Logar,Jeraj,Glumac | Criticality of a spent fuel pool filled with burned flip fuel | link |
2001 | Mikuz,Cindro,Kramberger,Zontar | Bias dependence and bistability of radiation defects in silicon | link |
2001 | Rossa,Gschwendtner,Placidi,et al. | Fast polycrystalline-CdTe detectors for LHC luminosity measurements | link |
2001 | Smodis,Byrne,Jacimovic | The validation of Kayzero-assisted NAA via analysis of materials | link |
2001 | White,Dowell,Mahout,et al. | Radiation hardness studies of the front-end ASICs | link |
2001 | Zagar,Ravnik,Bozic | Neutron activation measurements in research reactor concrete shield | link |
2002 | Benedik,Repinc,Byrne,Stegnar | Trace determination of uranium and thorium in biological samples | link |
2002 | Bozic,Zagar,Ravnik | Calculation of isotopic composition during irradiation in biological shield of TRIGA | link |
2002 | Dalle,Jeraj | Validation of the monteburns code for criticality calculations of TRIGA reactors | link |
2002 | Dimic | Utilization and operating experience of the 250kW TRIGA research reactor in Ljubljana | link |
2002 | Jacimovic,Benedik,Smodis,Stegnar | The application of the k0-standardization method at the JSI reactor | link |
2002 | Jacimovic,Lazaru,Mihajlovic,Ilic,Stafilov | Determination of major and trace elements in some minerals | link |
2002 | Jacimovic,Maucec,Trkov | Verification of monte carlo calculations of the neutron flux | link |
2002 | Jeraj,Zagar,Ravnik | MCNP-WIMS monte carlo burnup simulations applied to TRIGA reactor | link |
2002 | Kozlowski,Kaminski,Orlowska | High-resolution photoinduced transient spectroscopy of neutron irradiated bulk silicon | link |
2002 | Kramberger,Cindro,Mandic,Mikuz,Zavrtanik | Determination of effective trapping times in irradiated silicon | link |
2002 | Kramberger,Cindro,Mandic,Mikuz,Zavrtanik | Effective trapping time of electrons and holes in different silicon materials | link |
2002 | Kreft,Stibilj,Trkov | Iodine and selenium contents in pumpkin oil and oil-cake | link |
2002 | Logar,Jeraj,Glumac | The effect of pitch burnup and absorbers on a TRIGA spent-fuel pool criticality safety | |
2002 | Moll,Fretwurst,Kuhnke,Lindstrom | Relation between microscopic defects and macroscopic changes in silicon detector | link |
2002 | Niinikoski,Abreu,Bell,et al. | Radiation hardness of cryogenic silicon detectors | link |
2002 | Sansone,Belli,Fernandez,et al. | Testing scandium method to quantify sespended particles | link |
2002 | Sansone,Belli,Jeran,et al. | Suspended particle adhesion on aquatic plant surface | link |
2002 | Zagar,Ravnik,Bozic | Activation of TRIGA Mark II research reactor concrete shield | link |
2002 | Zagar,Ravnik,Trkov | Isothermal temperature reactivity coefficient measurement in TRIGA reactor | link |
2002 | Zagar,Ravnik | Determination of long-lived neutron activation products in reactor shielding concrete samples | link |
2003 | Bodmann,Gob,Holm | LET effects of neutron irradiated plastic scintillators | link |
2003 | Candelori,Rando,Bisello,et al. | New evidence of dominant processing effects in standard and oxygenated silicon diodes | link |
2003 | Dannheim,Kotz,Coldewey,et al. | Design and tests of the silicon sensors for the ZEUS micro vertex detector | link |
2003 | Dawson,Moraes,Buttae,Cindro,Mandic | Radioactivation of silicon tracker modules | link |
2003 | Dobrovoljc,Falnoga,Bulog,Tusek,Scancar | Hepatic metallothioneins in two neotenic salamanders | link |
2003 | Hanzic,Ilic | Relationship between liquid sorptivity and capillarity in concrete | link |
2003 | Izerroukena,Skvarc,Ilic | A wide energy range personnel neutron dosimeter | link |
2003 | Jacimovic,Maucec,Trkov | Verification of monte carlo calculations of the neutron flux in typical irradiation channels | link |
2003 | Jacimovic,Smodis,Bucar,Stegnar | k0-NAA quality assessment by analysis of different certified reference materials | link |
2003 | Jacimovic,Stibilj,Benedik,Smodis | Characterization of the neutron flux gradients in typical irradiation channels | link |
2003 | Jacimovic,Trkov,Stegnar | Temporal variation of the neutron flux in the carousel facility of TRIGA reactor | link |
2003 | Kramberger,Cindro,Mandic,Mikuz,Zavrtanik | Field engineering by continuous hole injection in silicon detectors irradiated with neutrons | link |
2003 | Lacasta | Design optimisation of silicon microstrip detector modules | link |
2003 | Lesar,Zagar,Ravnik | Estimation of waste volumes after TRIGA reactor dismantling | link |
2003 | Necemer,Kump,Rajcevic,et al. | Determination of sulfur and chlorine in fodder | link |
2003 | Rando,Candelori,Bisello,et al. | Silicon diode radiation hardening for physics detectors | link |
2003 | Ravnik,Jeraj | Research reactor benchmarks | |
2003 | Smodis,Trkov,Jacimovic | Effects of the neutron spectrum for 94Zr and 96Zr | link |
2003 | Stepinsek,Pucelj,Vidmar,Vencelj | Analysis of the dose-rate time development after pulse generation in a TRIGA reactor | link |
2003 | Zagar,Ravnik,Boeck | Comparison of long-lived activation in concrete samples from 3 different reactors | link |
2004 | Jacimovic,Horvat | Determination of total mercury in environmental and biological samples | link |
2004 | Jacimovic,Smodis,Byrne | Instrumental neutron activation analysis of samples using k0 method | link |
2004 | Key,Cindro,Lozano | On the radiation tolerance of SU-8, a new material for gaseous microstructure radiation detector | link |
2004 | Mandic,Cindro,Kramberger,et al. | Radiation damage in Bipolar transistors caused by thermal neutrons | link |
2004 | Mandic,Cindro,Kramberger,Mikuz,Zavrtanik | Charge-collection efficiency of heavily irradiated silicon diodes | link |
2004 | Petrovic,Ravnik | Physical model of reactor pulse | link |
2004 | Repinc,Benedik | Determination of vanadium in dietary supplements | link |
2004 | Rosamilia,Gaudino,Sansone,et al. | Uranium isotopes, metals in lichens in BIH | link |
2004 | Zagar,Bozic,Ravnik | Long-lived activation products in TRIGA Mark II research reactor concrete shield- calculation and experiment | link |
2004 | Zhang,Chen,Horvat,et al. | Element content and element correlations in Chinese human liver | link |
2005 | Campabadal,Fleta,Key,et al. | Design and perfomance of the ABCD3TA ASIC for readout of silicon strip detectors | link |
2005 | Cindro,et al. | Effect of heavy proton and neutron irradiations on epitaxial 4H-SiC Schottky diodes | link |
2005 | Cindro,Kramberger,Mandic,et al. | Irradiation studies for the ATLAS inner detector opto-electronic readout system for SLHC | link |
2005 | Osterc,Stibilj | Measurement uncertainty of iodine determination in radiochemical NAA | link |
2005 | Radez,Giacomelli,Ilic | Development of etched track detector system for low fluxes of thermal neutrons | link |
2005 | Rant,Milic,Turk,Lengar | Neutron radiography as a NDT method in archaeology | link |
2005 | Rant,Miskec,Ucman,Jacimovic,Lengar | Inspection of the Roman treasure find by gamma and neutron radiography | link |
2005 | Ravotti,Glaser,et al. | Optically stimulated luminescence materials for neutron measurements | link |
2005 | Repinc,Benedik,Stibilj | Determination of vanadium in biological and environmental samples | link |
2005 | Repinc,Benedik | Simultaneous determination of trace uranium and vanadium in biological samples by neutron analysis | link |
2005 | Safilov,Angelov,Jacimovic,Stibilj | Determination of trace elements in Arsenic and Antimony minerals | link |
2005 | Smrkolj,Pograjc,Ribic,Stibilj | Selenium content in selected Slovenian foodstuffs | link |
2005 | Stibilj,Smrkolj,Krbavcic | Investigation of the declared value of selenium in food supplements by HG-AFS | link |
2005 | Zagar,Ravnik | Positive temperature reactivity coefficient of a TRIGA reactor at room temperature | link |
2006 | Badea,Dagan,Broeders | Validation of TRIGA reactivity coefficients | link |
2006 | Bucar,Smodis | Assessment of the intrinsic uncertainty of the k0-based NAA | link |
2006 | Cindro,et al. | Radiation hardness of silicon detectors based on pre-irradiated silicon | link |
2006 | Izgi,Gucer,Jacimovic | Determination of selenium in garlic and onion | link |
2006 | Klingenberg,Krasel,et al. | Prediction of charge collection efficiency in hadron-irradiated pad | link |
2006 | Kovacevic,Pivac,Jacimovic,et al. | Defects induced by irradiation with fast neutrons in germanium | link |
2006 | Kucera,Mizera,Repinc,Smodis | Simultaneous low-level determination of iodine and manganese in biological materials | link |
2006 | Makreski,Jovanovski,Gajovic,et al. | Minerals Vibrational spectra of some common appearing pyroxenes | link |
2006 | Mrak,Slejkovec,Jeran | Extraction of arsenic compounds from lichens | link |
2006 | Osterc,Stos,Stibilj | Investigation of iodine in infant starting, special and follow-on formulae | link |
2006 | Rant,Milic,Istenic,et al. | Neutron radiography examination of objects belonging to the cultural heritage | link |
2006 | Rant,Skvarc,Ilic,et al. | Application of boron-entrapped stealth liposomes to inhibition of growth of tumour cells | link |
2006 | Smodis,Bucar | Overall measurement uncertainty of k0-based neutron activation analysis | link |
2006 | Snoj,Ravnik | Calculation of Power density with MCNP in TRIGA reactor | link |
2006 | Ullan,Diez,Campabadal,et al. | Bias conditions in gamma radiation assurance tests of bipolar technologies | link |
2006 | Zagar,Zefran,Slavic,Snoj,Ravnik | TRIGLAV-W for TRIGA reactor core management calculations | link |
2007 | Artuso | Silicon sensors implemented on p-type substrates for high radiation resistance application | link |
2007 | Casse,Affolder,Allport | Charge collection efficiency measurements for segmented silicon detectors irradiated | link |
2007 | Casse,Allport,Greenall | Response to minimum ionising particles of p-type substrate silicon microstrip detectors | link |
2007 | Cindro,Mikuz,Zavrtanik,Mandic,et al. | Development of cryogenic Si detectors by CERN RD39 collaboration | link |
2007 | Cindro,et al. | 3D detectors at ITC-irst first irradiation studies | link |
2007 | Diez,et al. | SiGe bipolar transistors for harsh radiation environments | link |
2007 | Fernandez,Brichard | Real-time fibre optic radiation dosimeters for nuclear environment monitoring around thermonuclear reactors | link |
2007 | Fretwurst,Honniger,Kramberger,et al. | Radiation damage studies on MCz | link |
2007 | Gaudino,Galas,Belli,et al. | The role of different soil sample digestion methods on trace elements analysis | link |
2007 | Grant,Bates,Cunningham,et al. | GaN as a radiation hard particle detector | link |
2007 | Guevara,Zizek,Repinc,et al. | Novel methodology for the study of mercury methylation | link |
2007 | Honninger,Fretwurst,Lindstrom,et al. | DLTS measurements of radiation in detectors | link |
2007 | Jeran,Mrak,Jacimovic,et al. | Epiphytic lichens as biomonitors of pollution | link |
2007 | Lozano,Campabadal,Garcia,et al. | Ultimate limits for the radiation hardness of silicon strip detectors for sLHC | link |
2007 | Mandic,Cindro,Gorisek,Kramberger,Mikuz | Online integrating radiation monitoring system for the ATLAS detector | link |
2007 | Manna,Bassignana,Boscardin,Borrelo | Space charge sign inversion investigation in n-type MCz silicon diodes | link |
2007 | Messineo | Czochralski silicon sensors Status of development | link |
2007 | Mikuz,Cindro,Cline,et al. | Study of polycrystalline and single crystal diamond detectors | link |
2007 | Minano,Escobar,Garcia,Lozano,Rafi | Characterization of irradiated detectors fabricated on p-type silicon | link |
2007 | Mrak,Simcic,Pelicon,et al. | Use of micro-PIXE in the study of arsenate uptake in lichens | link |
2007 | Pellegrini,Campabadal,Lozano,et al. | Characterization of edgeless detectors fabricated by dry etching process | link |
2007 | Rogan,Trkov,Jacimovic,Snoj,Ravnik | Analysis of the neutron spectrum for the validation of computational methods | link |
2007 | Ruggiero,Eremin,Noschis | Planar edgeless silicon detectors for the TOTEM experiment | link |
2007 | Snoj,Ravnik,Rogan,et al. | Long lived activation products in Eurofer | link |
2007 | Snoj,Sentjurc,Crnic,Ravnik,Jeraj | Experimental verification of radiation dose in mixed radiation fields | link |
2007 | Snoj,Trkov,Ravnik | Testing of cross section libraries for TRIGA criticality benchmark | |
2007 | Tavcar,Smodis,Benedik | Radiological characterization of low- and intermediate-level radioactive wastes | link |
2007 | Ullan,Diez,Campabadal,et al. | Radiation hardness evaluation of SiGe HBT technologies | link |
2007 | Verbitskya,Eremin,Li,Harkonen,Bruzzi | Concept of double peak electric field distribution in silicon detectors | link |
2007 | Weber,Klingenberg | Free charge carriers trapping properties in neutron-irradiated DOFZ silicon pad detectors | link |
2008 | Bounakhla,Embarch,Zahry,Bilal,Kump | Capabilities of elemental analysis by EDXRF for geochemistry | link |
2008 | Bucar,Smodis | Computer-assisted uncertainty assessment of k0-NAA measurement results | link |
2008 | Fiorini,Osmic,Petrucci,Riedler | Test of silicon sensors for a high rate pixel detector for the NA62 experiment | link |
2008 | Jacimovic,Jeran,et al. | Estimation of uncertainty arising from different soil sampling devices | link |
2008 | Jacimovic,Makreski,Stibilj,Stafilov | Determination of major and trace elements in iron reference materials using k0-NAA | link |
2008 | Junkes,Fretwurst,Pintilie | Influences of cluster related defects on silicon detector properties | link |
2008 | Lengar,Snoj,et al. | Evaluation of activation characteristics of silicon carbide in a fusion spectrum | link |
2008 | Mavko,Jordan,Kozuh | Component and operation experience of reactor TRIGA Mark II | link |
2008 | Menezes,Jacimovic | Validation of the k0 IAEA software using SMELS material | link |
2008 | Minano,Balbuena,Garcia,et al. | Annealing studies of silicon microstrip detectors irradiated at high neutron fluences | link |
2008 | Mrak,Slejkovec,Jeran,Jacimovic,Kastelec | Uptake and biotransformation of arsenate in the lichen Hypogymnia physodes | link |
2008 | Necemer,Kump,Scancar,et al. | Application of X-ray fluorescence analytical techniques in phytoremediation | link |
2008 | Osterc,Stibilj | 127I and 129I isotopic ratio in marine alga from North Adriatic Sea | link |
2008 | Perk,Zorzi,Barbizzi,et al. | The effect of short-range spatial variability on soil sampling uncertainty | link |
2008 | Pestotnik,Korpar,Krizan,Dolenec | Cherenkov detector of Sr based on aerogel as radiator | link |
2008 | Petterson,Hurley,Arya,et al. | Determination of the charge collection efficiency in neutron irradiated silicon detectors | link |
2008 | Pintilie,Fretwurst,Lindstrom | Cluster related hole traps with enchanced-field-emission | link |
2008 | Ravnik,Dimic | Triga Mark II Ljubljana – spent fuel transportation | link |
2008 | Ravnik,Dimic | Utilization of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor in Ljubljana | link |
2008 | Ravnik,Mele,Trkov,et al. | Reactor physics tests of TRIGA Mark II Reactor in Ljubljana | link |
2008 | Repinc,Benedik,Pihlar | Determination of cobalt in biological materials by RNAA | link |
2008 | Snoj,Kavcic,Zerovnik,Ravnik | Calculation of kinetic parameters of TRIGA reactor | link |
2008 | Snoj,Ravnik,Lengar,et al. | Irradiation of fusion reactor materials and bio-dosimeters in JSI | link |
2008 | Snoj,Ravnik,Lengar | Visualization of neutron flux and power distributionsin TRIGA reactor as an educational tool | link |
2008 | Snoj,Ravnik | Power peakings in mixed TRIGA cores | link |
2008 | Stergarsek,Horvat,Kotnik,et al. | The role of flue gas desulphurisation in mercury speciation | link |
2008 | Taseska,Makreski,Stibilj,et al. | Determination of trace elements in chalcopyrite by k0.instrumental neutron activation analysis | link |
2008 | Zagar,Ravnik | Measurement of neutron activation in concrete samples | link |
2008 | Zizek,Guevara,Horvat | Validation of methodology for determination of the mercury in sediments using radiotracers | link |
2009 | Affolder,Allport,Casse | Studies of charge collection efficiencies of planar silicon detectors | link |
2009 | Azdejkovic,Elteren,Rozman,et al. | Dual purpose laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry | link |
2009 | Bounakhla,Mrabet,Jacimovic,et al. | Analysis for toxic elements in Kenitra city foods | link |
2009 | Cindro,Kramberger,Lozano,et al. | Radiation damage in p-type silicon irradiated with n and p | link |
2009 | DaVia,Watts | The geometrical dependence of radiation hardness in planar and 3D silicon detectors | link |
2009 | Kalendra,Kazukauskas,Vainorius,Vaitkus | Influence of irradiation by neutrons on Si rediation detectors | link |
2009 | Kazukauskas,et al. | Deep defect level spectra in the neutron irradiated Si ionizing radiation detectors | link |
2009 | Mandic,Cindro,Kramberger,Mikuz | Measurement of anomalously high charge collection efficiency | link |
2009 | Pintilie,Lindstroem,Junkes,Fretwurst | Radiation-induced point andcluster-related defects | link |
2009 | Stepinsek,Pucelj,Snoj,Ravnik | Activity analysis of primary coolant in TRIGA Mark II research reactor | link |
2009 | Ullan,Rice,Mandic,et al. | Evaluation of SiGe bipolar technologies for use in an upgradede atlas detector | link |
2010 | Affolder,Allport,Casse | Charge collection efficiencies of planar silicon detectors | link |
2010 | Bernardini,Borrello,Fiori,Messinieo | CCE measurements on heavily irradiated micro-strip sensors | link |
2010 | Capan,Pivac,Hawkins,et al. | Neutron-irradiation-induced defects in germanium | link |
2010 | Corte | Towards an international authoritative system for coordination and management of a unique recommended k0-NAA database | link |
2010 | Goessling,Klingenberg,Muenstermann,Wittig | Evaluation of the breakdown behaviour of ATLAS silicon pixel sensors | link |
2010 | Hanzic,Kosec,Anzel | Capillary absorption in concrete and the Lucas-Washburn equation | link |
2010 | Hartmann | Recent advances in the development of semiconductor detectors | link |
2010 | Jacimovic,Trkov,Zerovnik,et al. | Validation of calculated self-shielding factors for Rh foils | link |
2010 | Junkes,Eckstein,Pintilie,et al. | Annealing study of a bistable cluster defect | link |
2010 | Kalendra,Gaubas,Kazukauskas,et al. | Photoconductivity spectra and deep levels in the irradiated Si detectors | link |
2010 | Kaska,Moll,Fahrer | Study on 150microm thick n- and p- type epitaxial silicon sensors | link |
2010 | Kohler | ATLAS tracker upgrade silicon strip detectors for the sLHC | link |
2010 | Kramberger,Cindro,Mandic,et al. | Annealing studies of irradiated p-type silicon sensors | link |
2010 | Mandic,Cindro,Gorisek,et al. | Observation of full charge collection efficiency in detectors | link |
2010 | Mrak,Jeran,Batic,Toppi | Arsenic accumulation and thiol status in lichens exposed to As in controlled conditions | link |
2010 | Novoselnik,Pilipovic,Jacimovic,et al. | Capacitance changes in neutron irradiated n-type silicon | link |
2010 | Pacifico,Creanza,Palma,et al. | A TCT and annealing study on magnetic czochralski silicon detectors | link |
2010 | Pograjc,Stibilj,Scancar,Jamnik | Determination of macronutrients in the slovene military diet | link |
2010 | Smodis,Bucar | Comparison of k0-NAA measurement result with calculated uncertainties for reference samples | link |
2010 | Smodis,Snoj | Present services at the TRIGA Mark II reactor of the JSI | link |
2010 | Snoj,Kavcic,Zerovnik,Ravnik | Calculation of kinetic parameters for mixed TRIGA cores with Monte Carlo | link |
2010 | Snoj,Kromar,Zerovnik,Ravnik | Advanced Methods in Teaching Reactor Physics | link |
2010 | Snoj,Smodis | Utilization of Slovenian TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
2010 | Taseska,Jacimovic,Stibilj,et al. | Removal of copper by electrolysis from copper minerals | link |
2011 | Adotey,Stibilj,Armah,Nyarko,Jacimovic | Dietary supply of selenium for adolescents | link |
2011 | Affolder | Latest developments in planar n-on-p sensors | link |
2011 | Altenheiner,Goessling,Jentzsch,et al. | Planar slim-edge pixel sensors for the ATLAS upgrades | link |
2011 | Altenheiner,Goessling,Jentzsch,et al. | Radiation hardness studies | link |
2011 | Beimforde | The ATLAS planar pixel sensors R&D project | link |
2011 | Benedik,Repinc | Evaluation of measurement uncertainty components for determination of uranium traces | link |
2011 | Casse,Affolder,Allport,et al. | Evidence of enhanced signal response in planar silicon | link |
2011 | Cindro,Kramberger,Mandic,Mikuz | Testing of bulk radiation damage of n-in-p silicon sensors | link |
2011 | Cindro,Mandic,Zavrtanik,et al. | Silicon detectors for the sLHC | link |
2011 | Costa,Cindro,et al. | Simulations and electrical characterization of double-side double type column 3D detectors | link |
2011 | Dervan,Wigglesworth,Vossebeld,et al. | Update of the annealing scenario for irradiated sensors | link |
2011 | Gaubas,et al. | Fluence dependent variations of barrier charging and generation currents in irradiated SI oarticle detectors | link |
2011 | Goessling,Klingenberg,Muenstermann,et al. | Planar silicon pixel sensors for the ATLAS IBL | link |
2011 | Gonzalez | Silicon strip detectors for the ATLAS upgrade | link |
2011 | Jacimovic,Trkov,Stegnar | Error in k0-NAA measurement due to temporal variation in the neutron flux | link |
2011 | Kennedy,Chilian,Jacimovic,et al. | Neutron self-shielding in irradiation channels of small reactors is isotropic | link |
2011 | Kramberger,et al. | Development of n-on-p silicon sensors for very high radiation environments | link |
2011 | Mandic,Cindro,Kramberger,Mikuz | Annealing effects in np strip detectors irradiated with high neutron fluences | link |
2011 | Mandic,Ravotti,Glaser,et al. | The effect of magnetic field on readout of diodes used as NIEL counters | link |
2011 | Obryk,Glaser,Mandic,et al. | Response of various types of lithium fluoride MCP detectors | link |
2011 | Pacifico,Kittelmann,Fahrer,Moll,Militaru | Characterization of low resistivity magnetic Czochralski ministrip senzors and diodes | link |
2011 | Podvratnik,Snoj,Trkov,Zerovnik | Calculations to support absolute thermal power calibration of the TRIGA reactor | link |
2011 | Snoj,Trkov,Jacimovic,et al. | Analysis of neutron flux distribution for the validation of computational methods | link |
2011 | Snoj,Zerovnik,Radulovic,Podvratnik,Trkov | CEA-IJS joint experimental campaign at TRIGA reactor Ljubljana | link |
2011 | Tomanin,Peerani,Janssens | Pu-breeding feasibility in irradiation channels of research reactors | link |
2011 | Ullan,Diez,Lozano,et al. | Combined effect of bias and annealing in gamma and neutron radiation assurance tests | link |
2011 | Uralbekov,Smodis,Burkitbayev | Uranium in natural waters sampled within former uranium mining sites | link |
2011 | Zizek,Milacic,Kovac,et al. | Periphyton as a bioindicator of mercury pollution in a river ecosystem | link |
2012 | Capan,Janicki,Jacimovic,Pivac | C-V and DLTS studies of radiation induced Si-SiO2 interface defects | link |
2012 | Gallrapp,Rosa,Macchiolo,et al. | Performance of novel silicon np planar pixel sensors | link |
2012 | Gregoire,Trkov,Radulovic,et al. | First analysis of the 2011 joint CEA-IJS reactor dosimetry campaign in TRIGA reactor | link |
2012 | Henry,Snoj,Trkov | Analysis of the TRIGA reactor benchmarks with TRIPOLI | link |
2012 | Jazbec,Snoj,Smodis | Periodic safety review of JSI TRIGA Mark II and inspection of the reactor | link |
2012 | Jerman,Lesnjak,Snoj,Smodis | Inspection of the TRIGA reactor tank | link |
2012 | Junkes,Pintilie,Fretwurst,Eckstein | A contribution to the identification of the E5 defect level | link |
2012 | Koron,Bratkic,Guevara,Vahcic,Horvat | Mercury methylation and reduction potentials in marine water | link |
2012 | Kramberger,Cindro,Mandic,Mikuz,Zavrtanik | Determination of detrapping times in semiconductor detectors | link |
2012 | Milovanovic,Cindro,et al. | Effects of accelerated long term annealing in highly irradiated np strip detector | link |
2012 | Osterc,Stibilj | Influence of releases of I-129 from reprocessing plants on the marine environment of NAS | link |
2012 | Radulovic,Kolsek,Jazbec,et al. | Characterization of the Ex-Core irradiation facilities | link |
2012 | Smodis | 45 years of neutron activation analysis in Slovenia-achievements towards improved quality of results | link |
2012 | Smodis,Snoj | Utilization and application of the Slovenian TRIGA reactor | link |
2012 | Snoj, Smodis | 45 years of TRIGA Mark II in Slovenia | link |
2012 | Snoj,Trkov,Ravnik,Zerovnik | Testing of cross section libraries on zirconium benchmarks | link |
2012 | Snoj,Zerovnik,Trkov | Computation analysis of irradiation facilities at the JSI TRIGA reactor | link |
2012 | Stancar,Snoj,Radulovic,et al. | Evaluation of the axial absolute power profile measurements | link |
2012 | Steinbruck | Towards radiation hard sensor materials for the CMS tracker upgrade | link |
2012 | Taseska,Jacimovic,Stibilj,et al. | Determination of trace elements in some cooper minerals | link |
2012 | Trkov,Zerovnik,Destouches,et al. | Self-shielding factor calculations of heterogeneous samples | link |
2013 | Batancourt,Barber,Hauser,et al. | A charge collection study | link |
2013 | Benedik | An overview of results obtained in intercomparison exercises for determination of actinides | link |
2013 | Casse,Dervan,Forshaw,et al. | Degradation of charge sharing in strip silicon detectors | link |
2013 | Cindro,et al. | Review of radiation damage studies on DNW CMOS MAPS | link |
2013 | Diez,Clark,et al. | Radiation hardness evaluation of a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology for high energy physics applications | link |
2013 | Doering,Deveaux,Domachowski,et al. | Pitch dependence of the tolerance of CMOS | link |
2013 | Fernandez,Jaramillo,Lozano,et al. | Radiation resistance of double-sided 3D pixel sensors | link |
2013 | Gubanov,Schramm,Polojarvi,Guina | Effect of neutron irradiation on the capacitance hysteresis in GaAs Schottky diodes | link |
2013 | Henry,Tiselj | Computational fluid dynamic model of TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
2013 | Jazbec,Snoj,Kavsek | Analysis of a void reactivity coefficient of the JSI TRIGA Mark II reactor | link |
2013 | Jazbec,Zerovnik,Snoj,Trkov | Analysis of Tritium production for needs of fusion research reactors | link |
2013 | Junkes | Planar silicon sensors for the CMS tracker upgrade | link |
2013 | Klingenberg | Quality control on planar n-in-n pixel sensors | link |
2013 | Lengar,Merljak | The rod-insertion technique at the TRIGA reactor using signal from multiple fission cells | link |
2013 | Lutzer | Characterization if irradiated test structures for the CMS tracker upgrade | link |
2013 | Mandic,Cindro,Gorisek,et al. | TCT measurements of irradiated strip detectors with a focused laser beam | link |
2013 | Mandic,Cindro,Gorisek,et al. | TCT measurements with slim strip detectors | link |
2013 | Mandic | Silicon sensors for HL-LHC tracking detectors | link |
2013 | Mendizabal | The ATLAS Insertable B-Layer project | link |
2013 | Pestotnik,Korpar,Krizan,et al. | Aerogel RICH for forward PID at Belle II | link |
2013 | Radulovic,Trkov,Jacimovic,Jeraj | Measurement of the neutron activation constants Q0 and k0 for the Al reaction | link |
2013 | Rubinskiy | Irradiation and beam tests qualification for ATLAS IBL pixel modules | link |
2013 | Snoj,Stancar,Radulovic,Trkov | Neutron field characterization of irradiation loctions | link |
2013 | Stegarsek,Horvat,Frkal,Guevara,Kocjancic | Removal of Hg0 in wet FGD by catalytic oxidation with air | link |
2013 | Via,Boscardil,Betta,et al. | 3D active edge silicon sensors Device processing, yield and QA | link |
2013 | Zerovnik,Snoj,Trkov,et al. | Improved measurements of thermal power and control rods using multiple detectors | link |
2014 | Huseynov,Garibov,Mehdiyeva | Study of blend composition of nano silica under the influence of neutron flux | link |
2014 | Huseynov,Garibov,Mehdiyeva | Temperature and frequency dependence of electric conductivity in nano-grained SiO2 | link |
2014 | Jacimovic | Comparison of relative INAA and k0-INAA using soil and sediment reference materials | link |
2014 | Jurecic,Benedik,Planinsek,et al. | Analysis of uranium in the insoluble residues | link |
2014 | Klingenberg,Altenheiner,Andrzejewski,et al. | Temperature-dependent characterizations of irradiated planar assemblies | link |
2014 | Kolsek,Radulovic,Trkov,Snoj | Using TRIGA Mark II research reactor for irradiation with thermal neutrons | link |
2014 | Korpar,Krizan,Pestotnik,Seljak | Readout ASIC electronics for the 144ch HAPD for Aerogel RICH | link |
2014 | Leal,Menezes,Jacimovic,Sepe,Gomes | Investigation of the quality of the drug Enalapril | link |
2014 | Mantveyeva,Jacimovic,Planinsek,et al. | Assessment of the main natural radionuclides in The Shu valley | link |
2014 | Motohashi,Kubota,Nakamura,et al. | Evaluation of KEK n-in-p planar pixel sensor structures for very high radiation environments | link |
2014 | Printz | Radiation hard sensor materials for the CMS Tracker Phase II upgrade | link |
2014 | Radulovic,Stancar,Snoj,Trkov | Validation of absolute axial neutron flux destribution calculations with MCNP | link |
2014 | Smodis,Bucar,Jacimovic | Comparison of different approaches to estimate uncertainty budget in k0-INAA measurement | link |
2014 | Zerovnik,Kaiba,Radulovicet al. | Validation of neutron and gamma fields in TRIGA reactor | link |
2014 | Zerovnik,Snoj,Trkov,et al. | Measurments of thermal power in Ljubljana using multiple detectors | link |
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