7. in
9. julija smo gostili študente z Univerze Aix Marseille. Zaradi že dobro
poznanih omejitev, ki otežujejo potovanja med državami, smo jih gostili le v
virtualnem smislu. V sredo smo jim pripravili ogled reaktorja TRIGA, v petek pa
smo izvedli vajo Porazdelitev nevtronskega fluksa znotraj sredice reaktorja
Na Siol.net se je pričela predvajati oddaja “S kavča na plano”, kjer zabavna voditelja, Aleš in Igor Novak, gledalce popeljeta po bolj ali manj skritih kotičkih Slovenije. V drugem delu oddaje sta obiskala tudi naš reaktor TRIGA.
Že več mesecev je onemogočeno normalno življenje zaradi preprečevanja širjenja virusa COVID-19. Na reaktorju TRIGA smo bili primorani odpovedati vse skupinske oglede našega laboratorija kamor spadajo tudi vsi obiski šolarjev. Vsako leto nas obišče skoraj 1500 slovenskih učencev. Da letošnja generacija ne bo prikrajšana za obisk raziskovalnega reaktorja, smo zaposleni posneli zanimiv video. Gledalce popeljemo skozi komandno sobo na ploščad reaktorja, od koder si ogledamo reaktor med obratovanjem na polni moči. Sledi še sprehod skozi Objekt vroče celice, kjer operaterji lahko varno rokujemo z radioaktivnimi materiali. Video si lahko ogledate na našem YouTube kanalu »JSI TRIGA research reactor«.
The water activation experiment serves as a demonstration of the creation of radioactive isotopes from nuclear reactions with fast neutrons in pure water. The main reaction product, N-16, is important from the radiation protection standpoint, as it emits energetic and highly penetrating gamma rays, in water-cooled fission and fusion devices. Conversely, measurements of the activities of the product radioactive isotopes represent an independent method of monitoring of the reactor power, leak detection, etc.
Outcome / What you will learn
Students will:
Observe methods for measuring of the activation of the primary water;;
Measure the activity of primary water as a function of the reactor power.
Set up of the experiment on the reactor platform (water activation loop, lead shielding, detectors);
Discussion on the detectors;
Detector energy calibration using radioactive calibration sources;
Measurements of the activity of individual nuclides and the total dose rate as a function of reactor power;
The purpose of the exercise is to measure the activity of radon and radon progeny in an indoor environment. Radon is one of the products of the 238U decay chain and it is the only one in gaseous form, and therefore the only one that can escape the out of the Earth’s crust. Radon may represent a significant contribution to natural radiation exposure, especially in karstic terrain (for which Slovenia is renowned), and after smoking, is the second most important cause of lung cancer.
Outcome / What you will learn
Students will:
discuss the formation of radon through radioactive decay and diffusion into the atmosphere;
perform simple experiments to demonstrate the presence of radon by detection of alpha radiation;
perform radon concentration measurements using the Kuznetz method, by filtering radon progeny from the air and subsequent gamma spectrometry measurement.
After a discussion on the formation of radon through radioactive decay and its diffusion into the atmosphere, students:
capture radon progeny onto electrostatically charged balloons and measure the emitted alpha particles;
perform radon concentration measurements using the Kuznetz method by:
filtering radon progeny from the air onto filter paper using a vacuum cleaner
gamma spectrometry measurements of the filter paper
analysis of the recorded gamma spectrum
determination of the radon concentration from the measured radon progeny activities
The purpose of the experiment is a demonstration of the relative neutron activation analysis technique (NAA). This technique is widely used in a variety of fields (e.g. environmental sciences, forensic science, analysis of geological and inorganic materials, foodstuff, etc.). It plays a key role within environmental specimen banking programmes.
Outcome / What you will learn
Students will:
prepare samples and standards for irradiation in the neutron field of a nuclear reactor
perform the irradiations and measure the gamma spectra of the irradiated samples and standards
analyse gamma spectra and determine analyte concentrations
Preparation and weighing of samples and standards;
Encapsulation of the test portions and standards in e.g. polyethylene foil / capsules;
Neutron irradiation of samples and standards;
Sequential measurements of the induced radio activities in samples and standards by gamma-ray spectrometry;
Interpretation of the gamma-ray spectra (i.e. peak fitting;
Gamma (ray) spectrometry is a widely used measurement technique in which gamma ray spectra originating from radioactive isotopes are analyzed. The purpose of the experiment is to demonstrate the gamma spectrometry technique by performing gamma spectrum measurements for a selection of radioactive sources. The complex features in the recorded gamma spectra are visualized and their origins explained; radionuclide activities are determined on the basis of the measured spectra, the basic nuclear data and the calibrated detection efficiency.
Outcome / What you will learn
Students will:
gain experience in gamma spectrometry measurements
visualize and understand the complex features in recorded gamma spectra
analyse gamma spectra
determine the activity of radionuclides in measured radioactive sources.
A multi-isotope standard is measured. Various gamma lines are detected and described.
Previously irradiated samples of certified reference materials (e.g. Al-Au, Al-Co, Al-Th) are measured using gamma ray spectroscopy. Students identify the main characteristics (Backscatter and Compton edge, full energy peak, sum peak from pile-up, single and double escape peaks) in the gamma ray spectra.
The activities of the radionuclides in the samples are determined on the basis of the calibrated detection efficiency.
The exercise allows students to operate the reactor on their own under the supervision of a licensed reactor operator. First the students have to achieve criticality, then they have to change the reactor power level and stabilize the reactor at low power, below the point of adding heat. Secondly, they increase the reactor power above POAH and observe the reactor response to control rod movement at high power levels, where temperature feedback effects are significant. The exercise ends by safe and controlled shut down of the reactor.
Outcome / What you will learn
Students will become familiar with reactor operation, focusing on:
safe reactor operation
pre-startup procedures
startup to low power level, change of power level
reactor shutdown
After a discussion on the general features and systems of the reactor, reactor operation procedures and operating limits, students operate the reactor on their own. During operation, students observe the signals from the reactor instrumentation, i.e. the source range meter, linear channel, period meter and indicators of control rod positions. Each student performs a sequence in which the reactor is started up and stabilized at a low power level, the power level is then changed to a higher power level, and finally the reactor is shut down. No measurements are taken.
The pulse experiment is a demonstration of a reactor transient in a supercritical state, made possible by the inherently safe design of the TRIGA reactor. The aim of the experiment is to perform several pulses by rapidly withdrawing a control rod, measuring basic pulse parameters and experimentally validating the Fuchs-Hansen model.
Outcome / What you will learn
Students will:
observe and understand the reactor response to a large sudden reactivity increase following the ejection of a control rod out of the reactor core
experimentally verify the physical models describing the pulse experiment (the Fuchs-Hansen model)
After a discussion on the temperature reactivity effects and the Fuchs-Hansen model, students observe the behaviour of the reactor power and fuel temperature following sudden large insertions of reactivity, caused by the ejection of a control rod out of the reactor core. Students measure three pulse parameters: the maximum power, released energy and maximum fuel temperature, and observe their dependence to the prompt reactivity, thereby experimentally validating the Fuchs-Hansen model.