Purpose of experiment The water activation experiment serves as a demonstration of the creation of radioactive isotopes from nuclear reactions with fast neutrons in pure water. The main reaction product, N-16, is important from the radiation protection standpoint, as it
Exercise No. 14: Indoor radon measurements
Purpose of experiment The purpose of the exercise is to measure the activity of radon and radon progeny in an indoor environment. Radon is one of the products of the 238U decay chain and it is the only one in
Exercise No. 13: Neutron activation analysis
Purpose of experiment The purpose of the experiment is a demonstration of the relative neutron activation analysis technique (NAA). This technique is widely used in a variety of fields (e.g. environmental sciences, forensic science, analysis of geological and inorganic materials,
Exercise No. 12: Gamma spectrometry
Purpose of experiment Gamma (ray) spectrometry is a widely used measurement technique in which gamma ray spectra originating from radioactive isotopes are analyzed. The purpose of the experiment is to demonstrate the gamma spectrometry technique by performing gamma spectrum measurements
Exercise No. 11: Reactor operation
Purpose of experiment The exercise allows students to operate the reactor on their own under the supervision of a licensed reactor operator. First the students have to achieve criticality, then they have to change the reactor power level and stabilize
Exercise No. 10: Pulse experiment
Purpose of experiment The pulse experiment is a demonstration of a reactor transient in a supercritical state, made possible by the inherently safe design of the TRIGA reactor. The aim of the experiment is to perform several pulses by rapidly
Exercise No. 9: In-core neutron flux mapping
Purpose of experiment The purpose of the experiment is familiarization with the construction and operation of compensated boron-lined ionization chambers, which are frequently used as nuclear instrumentation detectors. Basic principle of chamber compensation are explained and demonstrated practically in a
Exercise No. 8: In-core neutron flux mapping
Purpose of experiment A nuclear reactor in operation is a source of a mixed neutron and gamma field, a shut-down nuclear reactor is a source of a gamma field. The purpose of the exercise is the measurement of the gamma
Exercise No. 7: In-core neutron flux mapping
Purpose of experiment The purpose of the experiment is the measurement of relative axial neutron flux distributions in several experimental locations in the core of the JSI TRIGA reactor. This is accomplished through the use of miniature fission chambers with
Exercise No. 6: Control rod worth calibration
Purpose of experiment The void coefficient of reactivity is one of the most important coefficients of reactivity for safe reactor operation. The JSI TRIGA reactor is equipped with an electro-pneumatic system with which air can be injected into the reactor